I was born on a 5 acre farm in 1986 with an instant love for animals. When I was 3 I found myself following my sister and my mom to 4-H meetings as I was only 3 (I am sure I was more of a pain then any help.) When I was 5 I started showing rabbits as I was not old enough at this time for 4-H I started in open shows. In 1991 winning my first top youth in show 10 and under. 1993 also winning top youth in show 10 and under. When I was 9 I joined 4-H as a member and stayed a member until I was 18. I raised many different animals over the years and showed in many different projects like rabbits, cavy, poultry, horses (mini and full size), beef, and even bison. 

Winning over 30 grand and reserve most being for showmanship, 2nd out of 12 in demonstrations, 2 1st 1 2nd in public speaking.

In 2002 I want to an auction in Alberta and brought my first mini horse (carmal) and my first chinchilla (chewy). 


Now I breed Chinchillas and Miniature Horses.

My Dream of Horses and Chinchillas.

  I have always had a dream of raising, showing, and breeding appaloosa never did I imagine my dream would end up with appaloosa miniatures.

 In 1995 I got my first horse crystal, she was an Arab and was far from a dream horse but she was a start.

Since then I have had my share of horses trying to find the right one for me to start my dream.

In 2000 I bought my reg. appaloosa mare Heidi she was 5 years old my dream horse and to this day I still have her.

In 2002 I bought Carmel my first miniature horse from an auction in Alberta.

In 2008 I was in a car crash and no longer can ride horses so my dream of raising, showing, riding, and breeding appaloosa came to a fast hault.

In 2009 I decided to start my dream up again but as I still cant ride or handle a full size horse without chancing more injury to my back I decided that I would think a little bit smaller "miniatures".

In march of 2010 my dream came true with "Awesome" a 2009 reg. miniature appaloosa stud colt he was love at first site I just can wait tell he is old enough to produce his own foals.

I first came across a Chinchilla at a friend’s house in 1998.

My first thought of them was that they were different, strange but yet unique.

I started learning about them and after learning about them I realized how fun of a pet they would be for the right person.

In 2002 I went to an auction in Alberta and was faced with the chance to buy a Chinchilla.

It was a standard grey female (Chewy) that had 2 day old babies with her. 

This was the start to me owning Chinchillas.

In 2007 after having Chewy for a few years and learning a lot about them I decided I wanted to Share my love with some more Chinchillas.

In 2009 with the purchase of "Mia" "Burt" "Teaa" "Zoe" "Bliss" and "Doose" my love was able to be shared.